Safe and clean water supply is a prerequisite for every household. Whether you have a small water tank or a large water tank installed at home, regular maintenance and care will not just increase its lifespan but also ensure that the water from it remains pure and safe for you and your family. Every Ganga Kaveri water tank is built strong, sturdy and reliable which is why we are the leading water tank distributor and water tank manufacturer in Bangalore. Our tanks are known to be plumber friendly and low on maintenance but a little check up now and then will make sure you get the best out of your water tank. Here are some tips on how you can do that.
1.Regular checks
Be sure to check your overhead tanks at least once in three months, a great practice would be to take a look every month. Do a thorough 360-degree scan and inspect for any external erosion, cracks, leaks and damages. The sooner you detect the problem the easier it is to fix, especially if the tank is old. This will also save you extra expenses in the future. One easy way to identify a leak is to mark the water level at night and check it early in the morning. If there is a significant difference then you have a leak. Your water tank can also become a breeding ground for mosquitoes, and can fester impurities, so make sure the lid is tightly shut.
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2.Test the water quality
It is encouraged that you check the water quality every six months to make sure that it is free of biofilm build up. Organic material in your water can be hazardous to health especially if you’re using it for drinking and cooking purposes. Regular water testing can help keep the tank clean and the water pure. Ganga Kaveri Ultra is an anti-bacterial water tank that ensures protection from algae, virus, bacteria and fungus so you’ll have less to worry about.
3.Check for sediments
A common problem with water tanks is sedimentation or sediment build up at the bottom of the tank. This can clog pipelines and solar water heaters, and become a breeding ground for harmful bacteria and algae that pollutes the water and makes it unfit for safe consumption. That is why most tanks are opaque; it prevents growth of algae by inhibiting sunlight penetration. It is recommended to regularly clean your tank. The frequency might vary depending on your water source.
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4.Disinfect your tank
It is important to regularly sanitise your tanks to maintain good water quality. Drain and disinfect it preferably during or by the end of summer since it will be easier for the tank to dry after the treatment. For more information on cleaning your water tank, check out the article, How to effectively clean your water tank?
These practices followed consistently will make sure that you get the most out of your water tanks, and ensure good health and safety.
Check Out – household water tanks,loft water tanks